Do what you know to do and ask Jehovah to reveal to you the path he has for you. It is impossible by our own means, and it points out our need for a Redeemer, but it was certainly not done away with at the Cross. Amen Im also Hispanic and We are.. Yes Susan. Can you please confirm for me which is the TRUE 7th day Sabbath, along with scriptural references. Translation from hebrew to greek then back to english or hebrew loose cultural meaning and clarity. The Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all! In a large bowl, combine onion, beef, bread crumbs, apples, eggs, parsley, pepper, salt, allspice, mustard and ketchup. The reaping of the barley which Strongs concordance defines: barley H8184 plant, grain , comes from H8175. Should we be holding a traditional jewish Sadar? 16:1 Shamar Hodesh Abibwe will observe the new moon in the month of Abib and the moon marks the moed. Personally, I believe following the commands are so rich a lifestyle, why would I choose to do the bare minimum required just because Im not of Jewish descent? 2023 TBA Autumn Feasts Yom Teruah or Feast of Trumpets (commonly called Rosh Hoshana) TBA Yom Kippur or Day of Atonement - it is a High Day Sabbath. Do not eat blood,. I am blessed to see people come together during these disasterous hurricanes. My opinion is that the answer stems from how you define an Israelite or Jew. resurrection feasts If you do a search on covenant of grace in the Bible, you will not find it. I have chosen the one I use for the sake of unity among our congregation. Yes, McDonald's will be open on Easter Day 2023though you should check with your local restaurant to confirm. i was seaching for the new moon of 2015 and i see your website when i enter it is full of information i am very thankful to your website. Carol. The LORD never goes back on His word and He means what he says. Even in Israel shepherds do not graze their sheep in the fields in the dead of winter, etc., etc. Abib is head of year. Ideally you could both follow the Bible and stay in unity with your congregation. Follow as little children, in trust and faith, with the innocence of a child. I know you will be richly blessed and God will meet you on that day and guide your steps as you seek and honor him. Yeshua means nothing and Jesus has been derived from the Greek god isous, their god of healing.. My contribution is, we should not forget that darkness was there before light, when Almighty father created the earth, it was full of darkness and sea and the spirit of Almighty father was hovering upon the sea. He loves us so much and wants such intimacy with us! Happy Birthday, Carmen! What are the correct dates and times. What is called the Noahide laws are the same laws the Jewish people are commanded to keep. I have a question, I hope someone can answer regarding the Feast of the Tabernacles: Christine. They were not only Hebrews. I sprinkle the blood of Yahshua Messiah on my body, soul & spirit; by Your stripes I am healed. Pray to YHWH for guidance in your search for the truth. feast Bikkurim ( Hebrew: , / bkurim, bkrm / ), [1] or first-fruits, are a type of sacrificial offering which was offered by These are the appointed feasts of Adonai, holy convocations which you are to proclaim in their appointed season. I appreciate your information. Psalm 104:19 9 He appointed the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down. east , south, west, and north, and includes the phases of the moon. You are right and i hope i did not offend you with my question; its just when i found out i was sitting in the synagogue and heard two men of Yahshua talking about us not even knowing his real name and i went off; how can you teach and yet you are teaching incorrectly; i have since stop going to that synagogue and going to one that calls him by his magnificent and marvelous holy and righteous name. The facts on the ground are that men knew the length of a lunar month and didnt require that it be sighted at all. Thank you for being led to write that and not only did you comfort Judy in her sufferings but you instilled the hopeful truth of what is to come. Does it not matter, as long as the day is called Saturday. According to the Bible only the first day of the week of the Tabernacle and the Eighth Day is a Sabbath day, on which we do not work, but we are meant to sleep in our made up tabernacle throughout the whole week and bring meal offerings. We dont know when Passover will be because barley isnt ripe. My first year I just marked the days on my calendar, and on those days I took the time to study what that specific feast meant and how to observe it. Thank you for this informaton. Many of us believe the LORD take us up around the Feast of Trumpets. Hi, I have a question on the Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur, how do we fast and rest on these mid week days, please explain, as God has been speaking to me about the feasts and about what Jesus I have been serving. I however do not have a local church as most churches are denominational based, the nearest I got was Seventh Day Adventist Church but I was shocked to hear how anti jews they are seeming to suggest they have replaced Israel in Gods eyes and their interpretation of the Lords Feasts is very different allocating them days from the Secular Calendar. We commonly refer to 10 of those 612 OT commandments as The Ten Commandments, 9 of those 10 are repeated in the Law of Christ. Now, in observance (and I dont have a church home per se) where am I to follow through in the celebration of the feasts? However I am a believer of the Messiah filled with his holy spirit and therefore I am strictly a follower of the Messiah lead only by his spirit. Thank you for the comment. The last supper Jesus said do this in remembrance of me ! But what if Yehovah set those dates as days He intends to fulfill specific prophecies in Yeshuas lifetime and His second coming? Thank you for elaborating and making sure we understand the Feasts of The LORD! It is beautifully designed and overlays the Hebrew and Gregorian calendars. I feel Blessed, my Birthday is Sept 30, 2019 Rosh Hashanah, I,ll be 89. Remember, the Feasts are now rehearsals for things to come. My husband and I have learned MUCH from both of these men. If we had to keep all the Old Testament laws, including all the feasts, then there are 612 laws wed have to keep, including sacrificing animals again! * here but this is really too serious I could cry with frustration !!. Diana Molloy. During the Feast of First Fruits in ancient Israel, the Israelites would take the first fruit of their spring harvest and offer it to God, thus sanctifying their whole harvest (Leviticus 23:9-14). That is the deceptions it speaks of. He calls all to salvation through Him. The day according to Scripture begins at dawn, in Genesis 1:5. The New. WebShavout-Firstfruits-Feast of Weeks-Harvest determined from TRUE Wave sheaf. And this is the overcoming that has overcome the world: our belief. Thank you, Am a huge fan of Jewish life but I dont have strong Jewish background, though, am observant. Pagan beliefs are steeped in Christianity. Wanted to also share some Scriptures that show the importance of firstfruit offerings. Where did they go? New moon : day 1 : feasts non working day. The Feast of Firstfruits is always Day 1 of the 50-day count, so Pentecost is actually 49 days after Firstfruits. Jesus is the name above all names. Jesus, Jesus, All The Way!!! Pls ar we not suppose to say or shout happy new year to our frnds as d bible said dis is d begining of our monts? Hello Pam, Also, when is the unleavened bread offered? I am hoping to get a quick reply to that, due to the fact that the feasts are soon. Not in any denomination as the Lord opened my eyes to his truth, I have grown in faith. Ciaron, I appreciate your desire to seek and follow the truth. I did not come to destroy but to complete. Hi Brenda, Pesach 2021 begins at sundown March 27, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread extends until sundown April 4, with the Firstfruits on beginning that night. He states 3 days and 3 nights, not partial days and nights. On that day Id pray for God to show me what the Feast was about, and of course read any references to that Feast from the Bible. Mattithyahu (Matthew) 5:17-18 TS2009. Everything in what I was brought up to believe was a lie handed down by our fathers ( rabbis) were lies. Also remember we do not have the final temporary temple. I would encourage you to take part in the feasts as much as you can and ask God to use them to reveal himself to you. I keep HIS Commandments, including HIS Statutories. Its true, Jews had been observing these Feasts for 1,400 years before Yeshuas birth. So darkness is older than light. Accordingly, each of these Feasts begins and ends at sundown. There are EXACTLY 52 Sabbaths in a year with not one day remaining. Hope this helps you understand, it helped me. Lastly, are the seventh day adventists then right about their worship system? The one I use for every day planning, etc. A colorful 2023 / 6023 Biblical SPRING Feast Date Card for your home so you can stay in rhythm with the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, YHVH Elohim! Be obedient to the word of YHVH and our heavenly Father will honour your obedience. So what happens if Saturday is not the 7th day of the week. Web2023. to be with Him! I can then rest in that assurance. My name is Charity Njeri Githui from Kenya am a born again believer in The Covenant God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob through Yeshua Hamaschiac The King of Kings a long journey from being a denominational christian for which I thank and bless the Lord as I keep growing in faith. Therefore the new moon sighting of March 22 began the 26 The Lord said to Moses, 27 The tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. May YHVH richly bless you as you pursue Him. Vonnie, here is a link to a few congregations in Oregon: One website believes that Yeshua died and was resurrected in 17 AD, not 31 AD. I do not believe the new moon is the first observed sliver. Shalom. This is in harmony with all the Old Testament scriptures where the Lord says, His ordinances and statutes are forever. I am Jewish And know alot about the feasts. I was raised using the Gregorian calendar so you might imagine how confused I am right now.. where do I begin.. Yes, Charity, you are not alone. We are still a small Assembly of about 20. Thanks! My learning has brought me as far as the name Yeshua, but Im still listening, seeking and learning. True. Looking for information on the Feast of the Trumpets ~ it begins at Sundown on the 13th and goes until Sundown on the 14th? According to the Bible, new moons are also cause for celebration. Do you do observer the night to be remembered? Most of us look at things in a western way and count a day from 12am 12pm but this is not the case for Jews as we know the Jewish people observe the sun and moon for their lunar cycle, so if at 8am in the morning the sun raises and then sets at 10am that is one day. When I asked why they do not use the Hebrew calendar they were very shocked at my ignorance of wanting to go back to the Old Covenant Judaisim just like most people do when they hear I celebrate the feasts and use a prayer shawl. Thank you for the clarification. Shalom, Yes, keep the commandments. Keep me informed to enable me to fall in line. Blessings to you in Jesus name and Glory to YHVH forever. If you follow the word then we should follow what scripture says. thanking you for your I do not, but will show it here as one of many perspectives on the issue. Very nice site you have. A burger's not the most traditional The Lion & Lamb Ministries calendar includes color-coded Sabbaths, New Moons and Feasts and the weekly Torah and Apostolic scripture portions. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Even family members thought I was being brainwashed, but after reading the lost books of the Bible and much prayer. There is a great plan and purpose for all this, even allowing man to go astray for a certain time, but one day soon, God will correct everything in His way and time. I was actually blinded on this day. The Feasts are certainly key to entering the deeper relationship you are striving for. Think about what you would do if you were on your own for your first time, commit to doing it, announce what youre doing and invite anyone who wants to participate to join you. Is the Feast of Pentecost 50 days after the Feast of Passover as you have mentioned, or is it 50 days after the Feast of Firstfruits? Males are required to 3 times per year but you can give on the Sabbaths any time of the year. 7). Psalm 50:22 NKJV EX 34:22 And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the first fruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of in gathering at the years end. Take small steps, just do what you can your first year. We should love one another in this way. I had heard a bit before but not has detailed sharing has this program. First the first fruits and then each according to their order. You Dearest Heart shall Come Behind in no GOOD THING Promised you by the LORD shalom Stella, can you point me to some info to help me understand more what you are saying? Hannukah this year is Dec. 12-20 starting at sundown. I praise Jesus Christ completely! Firstfruits is Christian in tradition, ecumenical in Therefore the sighting of the new moon was the first day of the month. (LogOut/ So we can come back to the Torah, and the true calendar that our Lord says he is the author of. Shallom lekulam! Love to see Yhwhs truth. On the day Jesus was crusified on the cross the sun set twice giving us the 3 Jewish days from Friday Sunday. Yahshua taught TORAH. On this day in the month of Abib, you are about to go forth. Are these dates in accordence to the postponements of Hillel II? You will have to decide for yourself which one you are going to follow and your reasons for choosing that one. This is the scriptural that witnesses in my spirit. The first evening the new moon of each cycle can be observed in the sky denotes the beginning of a new month on the Hebrew calendar. Exodus 12. I appreciate your response. Going to church is NOT a total day of rest. Thank you very much for for knowledge acchieved through this web page. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God,and the Word was God. 5:17-20). According toLeviticus 23 passover is always on the 14 Abib 15 Abib is start of fest of unleavened bread for 7 day the sheave is wved on the 8th day the day after the sabbath,that means sabbath will always fall on 15 Abib and 22 Abib so its impossible that sabbath is every Saturday. The Promise of a Sunrise March 2, 2023. 23:15-16), First Fruits is always scheduled for the Sunday after Passover. Jesus death 23:42 says we are to live in them, so do what you can reasonably do, sleeping or waking, its all living. But, yes, offerings and a tabernacle are both instructed. In summary, the wave sheaf offering represents the resurrected Messiah going before the Father for us, becoming our High Priest. If one studies the Scripture carefully, one will see that both Yeshua, and Paul were at war with Orthodox Judaism that both denied the Messiah, and had added a variety of their own Rabbinic Traditions. Thank you admin may lord God bless you abondantly. We only have to copy the pattern/behaviour if the Bible specifically commands us to. Read this. We need to know Torah and how to follow it correctly, in order for the upcoming generation to worship right and truthfully. I have been searching and have been led a long time through multiple physical and emotional trauma events and have ached to where I thought I would die. How do you know that Jesus rose on a Sunday? The ones Ive included here are from the calendar our congregation agreed to follow for the sake of unity. NOT 365 or 366 or any other amount. Its a beautiful book. After 40 plus years in the Western Christian Church and I Praise HIM for all I have learned on my Journey, what I have learned this morning has opened a new chapter into a deeper more intimate walk with Yeshua. I was mistakenly copied wrong dates for Annual Sabbath. Here is a site where you can follow along as they track the barley in Israel: (Reference Others refer to the astronomical charts and see the first light of the first crescent and keep that day as the new moon. That is the position of the day in the week, not the name of the day. I, too, am thankful to the sages that have kept this knowledge and teaching in front of us, and that YHVH shares his wisdom with us. Heres a link to my posts on the subject, as well as a home celebration kit. Do you have any light on this? Thanks for providing it. I got my days wrong. Ask for sins of the Fathers to be removed from your family line almost like generational sins from your grandfathers all the way to Christ. You will find other dates based on how various groups reckon the new moon. day one. You do not mention where these dates and times are calculated for. In part, the Postponement Rules for Trumpets states: If the Molad occurs at or after noon, Trumpets is postponed until the following day. CIVIC CALENDAR (Beginning on Aviv 2018): Year 5778. Thank you for sharing with the Body of Believers. feast fruits appointed times seven part fell observed during week am FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE- May 28, 2023: The Rapture? I was wondering about that. But you read it and assume he is talking about pork. What does For all including foreigners mean? You could observe both theirs and Jerusalems if you feel YHVH has called you to that congregation, yet is prompting you to follow Jerusalem dates. Thank you for your help with all this. What does forever mean? thanks for the updates. hi iam also impressed to hear that testimony may Yahweh build you up in Him iam amessianic believer residing in kenya and looking upon Yahshuas imminent return YAHWEH bless, I am just beginning to learn the feast days of the Hebrew calendar .. Amen. These will walk you through how to observe the feasts and what the steps represent for us today. Are we followers of the way by Yeshua who was a Jew, lived and obeyed Torah? I am an Apostle of the Remnant Assembly of F.YHWH. The first of each Hebrew month is synchronized to when the new moon would be seen from Jerusalem. Regina, yours is a good question, debated by Christians and Jews. I agree with you. Bt Abba looks into our inner most devotions to Him His compassion endures forever HalleluYAH! You are on the right track, Zachary. Thanks so much for the insight by the way i observe the Sabbath and all the feast Shalom be to you through Yeshua messiah. There are about 3 different calendars observed by different groups. tanx a lot for this,ADONAI bless u for this good work. Just because someone did something in Scripture does not mean we have to copy the pattern. The 7th Day Sabbath always has and still begins on Friday at sundown and ends Saturday at Sundown. Well said Stacey. Karen, you are right when someone calls our Messiah Jesus, I also call him Jesus when Im talking to them. and All The WELLBEING thus found in The VINE HEAVENLY AND DIVINE!!! Here is the calendar page: Remember, the point of the feasts is to observe the days as holy, as Jehovah does. The biblical sabbath is not fixed on Saturday but changes every month depending on which day is the new moon. I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Saviour just before I was married in 1972 (43 yrs. For truly, I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away, one yod or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done. Never give up, thats what the enemy wants u 2 do and he got you. Design You too could receive revelation from YHWH if you were in the Spirit on the Sabbath, the Lords Day, the one He delights in, the Day He instituted from the begining, the Day He refers to all the way to the end of His-Story. Ibelieve this tradition was observed post Babylonian captivity and there is no biblical proof of itonly religious leader dictating oral rules post Babylon. When we follow the commands of people who say you must do this and you must do that , Paul said we risk losing our rewards because such commands belong to a self-imposed religion, its man-made, not from God. People today especially following greek and the many translations are following false prophets. is still linear (this one). Hi I am very new to learning about Yahweh I am so scared because I can not find a place where others gather so I can learn as well.I dont even understand the feast days yet.My husband and I do not want to be left behind or have to go thru the last part of tribulation.Im sick and its hard for me to get out but I will so I can learn his word.We were Christian most of our lives and never told to keep the feast days cus we were under grace.Aany way I was told about Father Yahweh.Do we need to be baptized in Yahweh since we know about him him? I thank the Lord for bakers like you, also glorifying God with your talents! God has hidden many secrets for us to uncover in the TaNaK and it is for our glory to seek them out. firstfruits yom WebFeast of First Fruits; Memorial Blowing of Trumpets; Day of Atonement; Feast of Tabernacles; Feast of Dedication; Destruction of Nicanor; Purim; Defiling the Sabbath and Holy Days; Ungodly Holidays. The name Yeshua (the Hebrew name given to Gods son) means God saves. Here is a good history of how the name Jesus evolved from Yeshua (or Yehoshua). I pray for Judys peace. Thank you for information on the feasts. The calendar used by Jews was lunar. Hi Charity, am in Kenya too. We attend a church on Sunday as a celebration of the Resurrection of our Risen Lord, but Saturday my husband and I rest from our business and have a nice family day, not simply because of the input from our Jewish friend, but because we believe this is what the Bible actually teaches. This was the faith once being delivered to the saints ( Yah true people ).Meaning : its only through faith in the Messiah that one can only have a true relationship with G-d ( Yah ).that relationship only comes through the spirit of G-d that dwell in you not by doing any kind of self righteous works like water librations, and etc.nor by rituals or do they have it wrong somewhere too? with that name they included December 25 for pagan Christmas birthday also easter which are both honoring pagan gods tammuz and isthar. let me first say I found this by going to Nehemiah Gordon who I have great respect for in accuracy of feast days and Hebrew understanding. The helper, the Ruach HaChodesh, did arrive on Feast of Shavuot which is the culmination of Feast of Weeks, otherwise known as counting down the Omer. The fourth command cannot be changed to become the first day, it has already grown to become the heart of the Tree, the great trunk that holds up all the rest of the tree to come. it was determined that there was enough aviv barley in the Land of Israel for a wave offering on First Fruits (2 weeks later). except for the Day of Atonement, which is traditionally a fast day. 25:31-46). If you do a search on the word covenant in the Bible, you will find very specific covenants the Lord made with specific people, that carry on to this day, each one building on the previous ones. I want to learn the feast days, what I should do to celebrate them I would also like to to attend nearby messianic gatherings.. So this calendar helps me to do just that. It is a lot to take in. It shall be a statute for ever in your generations: ye shall celebrate it in the seventh month. 14:11. What day is the true passover this year 2017. As you can see on the chart below that shows the time of harvest in Ancient Israel, barley was the first harvest. If this be the case, wouldnt the dates of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, truly be: September 29 September 30, 2017 which fall on the Sabbath? i am Vivian and very glad to have come across this website. Thanks for reading and your comments. The Greek word for what was nailed to the Cross is Kairgraphon, and means Record of Indebtedness. Deut. The economy, transportation, government and the military are all crippled. I recommited my life to God, got baptised by immersion at the River Jordan on the Day of Firstfruits Bukkrim and since then Ive had an amazing journey of faith. Compare it to Pauls other scriptures were he says the law of God is pure and right and just. I appreciate your heart, Martha. This is what I do usually on the weekly Sabbath . F.YHWH had made these Feasts to remind us of HIS valuable ways because HE knows man forget quickly and remembers slowly, as one of the prophetess once stated. The day started at evening throughout history for the Israelite people and then the Jewish people and it has never been questioned except until recently by pagans living in exile using gentile Bible translations. according to the order of their camps were they dispersed. In thoes days the mature Tree will give up the final Fruit pleasing to YHWH. CREATION CALENDAR (Beginning on Aviv 2018): Year 5777 You shall keep the Feast of Harvest, of the firstfruits of your labor, of what you sow in the field. Are there any fasting requirements for the days before the feast of tabernacles? This has bugged me as well. Meaning that eventually Revelation 20-21 YHVH will bring the new heaven. The first Christians were Jews. But, I encourage you to seek the Lord and His word for the consistent themes and confirmation of His leading. 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